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Christina Corazza

Christina Corazza, Age 26


Born and Raised in Surrey, BC


She was a dancer as a kid/ teenager, name the style and she was probably a competitive dancer in it. After high school she stopped dancing due to injuries, then  she  went to a conventional gym and did some yoga, but she could never find anything that would challenge her enough to stay for more than a few months at a time.

In 2015, her old boss  got her into crossfit. He wanted to try something new so she said I would join with him.  After the first couple classes he left and she was hooked and found her new family


Her main goal is to be strong AF! Not only is it important to just be strong in general for everyday life, but that PR high is literally the best feeling in the world.

I wouldn't say i've had a "hardship". She is  not a naturally strong person, or someone who is good at gymnastic skills so everything is a learning curve, but she thinks that is what has turned her into someone who will push limits and put in that extra time to practice movements over and over again until it actually clicks what her body is supposed to be doing.


Her most proudest moment is happening right now actually! She is finally becoming a Crossfit Coach! This has been a dream of her since year one, she has  always looked up to her coaches at Surrey Athletics for not only athletic advice but they have always been there for her on a personal level. She is  excited she  can pass along everything she has learned to the other seasoned and new athletes



My coaches and fellow athletes keep her motivate. She knows  if she  misses a couple days here and there she will get a text or call from one of the coaches calling her out for it, and honestly sometimes you need someone else to push you to get you going again. She also has a couple people that she lifts with on a very regular basis and they are always there to push her  harder and overall help her become a better athlete


You can find her on Instagram

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